Sunday, August 18, 2024

Thank You-Coffee And Cards With Celeste And Deb


Hello, and a very happy Sunday to you! This month Debra and I thought it would be fun to create a project using twine. I have way more twine and ribbon then I could ever possibly use and am always looking for an excuse to use it up. Following an idea I found on Pinterest, I decided to create a super cute flower out of a large button I had in my stash and some pretty jute twine from American Crafts. I created the flower by adhering an extra-large glue dot on the back of the button and looping the twine around until I got the desired look. Using patterned papers from the Authentique Delightful 6x6 paper pad and more of the same American Crafts twine, I created a focal panel. I stamped the sentiment from Stampin' UP's Curly Cute stamp set and Memento Ink in London fog. I adhered the panel to a light kraft A2 card base and adhered some clear rhinestone gems around the sentiment and flower for a nice finishing touch. 
I wish I could say that our cool streak has lingered, but sadly it has not. We had temps over 105 degrees today with the heat index, so I opted for an iced S'mores cold brew from Dunkin Donuts to quench my thirst. Tastes like autumn but cold enough to fight off the summer heat! Now, be sure to pop over to Deb's blog and see how she was inspired by our twine challenge!


World of Michael Trent said...

Very cute card Celeste. Love the flower made from twine. Lord knows I own enough of it too.

Lisa Elton said...

What a great loopy bow! This is terrific. 105... dang, that's HOT!!